Comment Tech

Comment Tech

I have received the following three complaints and would like to know if the problems they’re about are widespread.

(a) You cannot reply to specific comments (such that your reply appears beneath the comment to which you are replying). To reply to a specific comment, move your mouse cursor over the comment you wish to reply to and a reply link should appear next to the comment’s time stamp. On a phone or tablet, touch the time stamp of the comment you wish to reply to and a reply link should appear next to it. Click that link and type your reply. If you have tried these moves and still cannot reply to specific comments, please let me know.

(b) You cannot “like” or give a thumbs-up to specific comments. Two things here. First, it may take a moment for the “thumbs-up” icons to appear. But second, as a reader pointed out, “AdBlock Plus” or other ad-blocking software may be interfering with the “liking” software. Try turning that off for  your visits to Daily Nous.

(c) Your obviously acceptable comments do not show up on the site. Again, a couple of possibilities here. One is that you may be mistaken about the acceptability of your comments. But second, it may be that your comment has automatically been declared as spam and swept from my view. If you are puzzled by your comments not showing up, please send me an email and, time permitting, I will get back to you to let you know if it had been caught in the spam filter or what.

If you have experienced any of these issues or other related ones, please let me know. Suggestions welcome.

Thank you.

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9 years ago

Profound thanks, Justin, for the untold hours you’ve put into creating and maintaining this blog.

Dale Miller
9 years ago

I’m making this a reply to anon’s post to test this feature. I will say that I didn’t have the “thumbs up” icon for rating posts available a second ago, then I disabled my ad-blocker and it reappeared. So perhaps that is the solution to that problem, although I’m still puzzled about why I would sometimes have it and sometimes not while on the same computer.

9 years ago

I’m trying to respond directly to Anon. I hovered over the time and got a ‘reply,’ so that worked. I didn’t get a thumbs up icon, but I clicked on ‘reply’ fairly quickly. I, too, have noticed the thumbs up not working vary well. I’m using Safari, btw.

Sherri Irvin
9 years ago

I am using the “Reply” link next to Dale Miller’s comment to post this comment. I have had trouble with the thumbs up function in both Firefox and Safari. Sometimes (like now) the thumbs don’t appear at all; at other times they appear, but only some of them work – others do nothing when I try to click on them, as though the thumb is only an image with no link.

Michael Kremer
Michael Kremer
9 years ago

I am using “reply” to reply to Sherri Irvin’s comment. But I notice that the comments of others who have said they are using “reply” do not show up as replies, on my computer at least.

I cannot see the thumbs up buttons although, like Sherri Irvin I sometimes can see them.

I have waited about ten minutes before posting this comment; in that time the thumbs up buttons did not appear.

Michael Kremer
Michael Kremer
9 years ago

Now I see the thumbs up and my reply function seems to be working.

Only difference at this end is that before I was at home and now I am on the University server.

Michael Kremer
Michael Kremer
9 years ago

I tried to reply to Justin’s test but he deleted it! So I am trying to reply to myself now to see what happens…

Sherri Irvin
9 years ago

I am still using the same computer at the same location, but all the thumbs are now showing up and working for me in both browsers. (I don’t have an ad blocker installed and haven’t made any other changes on my end.)

9 years ago

I have had both problems (a) and (b), despite following the above suggestions. Right now the “thumbs up” icon is appearing though. If this shows up as a reply to Kremer at #7, then the reply function will be working now as well.

Lisa Shapiro
Lisa Shapiro
9 years ago

I have had problems with the ‘thumbs up’ icon appearing next to comments (and posts) in Chrome, but over the past couple of days, it has been appearing consistently. And I am running ad-blocker.

Jeff Heikkinen
Jeff Heikkinen
9 years ago

Just FYI, neither Adblock Plus nor anything else has ever interfered with my ability to thumb posts up, except at times when the site was obviously having more general problems.

Joshua A. Miller
9 years ago

Ad Block is disabled and I have hard refreshed the site. Still no thumbs.

Dale Miller
9 years ago

I had a third problem today, too, although I can’t reproduce it now. The banner at the top of the front page was obscuring the headlines of the top row of stories, and I wasn’t able to position it so that it didn’t do so. Tonight I seem to be able to scroll my way out of that situation.

9 years ago


My last few attempts to reply to a specific comment have failed. They all appear as regular comments at the bottom of the thread.