Sheffield Will Not Cooperate with PGR

The Department of Philosophy at the University of Sheffield  has made the following announcement: “Prospective postgraduates should note that the Department is not supplying updates and corrections to the 2014 Philosophy Gourmet Report, and should not assume that this report is based on accurate information.”

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anon faculty member
anon faculty member
9 years ago

Good for them! wonder when some US departments will have the courage to follow.

9 years ago

I hope that Sheffield will keep an accurate faculty list posted at its website so that prospective postgraduates and other interested parties can rely on that information. Other interested parties might include those compiling the faculty lists for the Gourmet Report but such provision of the accurate information to those parties would at least be indirect and perhaps therefore not count as cooperation with the report. Yes I am being a bit sarcastic about this. I assume that the point of Sheffield’s statement is symbolic.

Felonius Screwtape
Felonius Screwtape
9 years ago

First Notting ham, now Sheffield … how many other institutions will join in “The November Statement” ?

9 years ago

To my mind this seems even a bit worse than cutting off one’s nose to spite one’s face, rather more like cutting off the nose of potential student’s to spite one’s face.

9 years ago

So first it was the department until recently headed by Jenkins. Now the department headed by Jenny Saul.

Reply to  Truthy
9 years ago

And nobody from U Chicago has signed the September Statement. . .

9 years ago

How strange that people should be supportive of colleagues and former colleagues. That’s certainly not the profession that I signed up to work in.

9 years ago

Has anyone checked on how many of the 2012 PGR evaluators (see, plus perhaps some further names in the specialty rankings) are signatories to the Sept. Statement? That would be a very good indicator of how effective this protest has been, and how much it will undermine the credibility of the PGR.

Reply to  John
9 years ago

I count (roughly) 15 signatories for the September Statement among the 300+ evaluators for the 2012 PGR. Of these, 4 signatories are women among (again, roughly) the 45 female evaluators on the 2012 list. (I’m including this as a data point only because CDJ at NewApps noted a similar statistic for the September Statement here: These numbers don’t factor in the opposition to the PGR registered in the October Statement, but looking quickly at that list, I see an overlap of 3-4 more names with the 2012 PGR list of evaluators.

Carolyn Dicey Jennings
Carolyn Dicey Jennings
Reply to  Tammy
9 years ago

I last counted 33 of the 2011 evaluators among the signers, 8 of which are women–this is around 11% of the entire group of evaluators and 16% of the women in that group.