Yale Sexual Misconduct In The Weekly Standard

The Weekly Standard has an article about the sexual misconduct allegations against a well-known professor of moral and political philosophy at Yale (previously). No doubt many readers will agree with author Charlotte Allen that the story has a “dark side.” Yet many may be surprised to learn what that is:

Unfortunately, this story… has a dark side. It is also a story about a vendetta, actually one of a series of vendettas waged by feminists over the past few years against philosophy professors and philosophy departments.

The article, subtitled “What Is It Like to Be a Man in Philosophy”, is right here. By contrast, I have no idea where to find my eyeballs, which have rolled right out of my head.

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John Protevi
10 years ago

“Io voglio vendetta!” Is the tag line at Feminist Philosophers, isn’t it?

What, it isn’t? I could have sworn I saw it there just the other day.

Reply to  John Protevi
10 years ago

That’s _my_ tag-line, John, the one I always yell before I finish off an opponent, or make some other sort of dashing move. I just hope no one is trying to steal it from me.

Jennifer Frey
10 years ago

I googled the author of this article, because I have never heard of her. But, as perhaps everyone else already knows, alerting the world that women are weak and stupid is her shtick. She has “argued” that female excitement over (then) presidential candidate Barack Obama is good evidence that women truly are “the weaker sex”, who always fall for the “hysterical, the superficial, and the gooily sentimental”, and, my personal favorite, that all those children at Sandy Hook were murdered because the school staff was female, which inevitably made Sandy Hook Elementary “a setting in which helpless passivity is the norm.”

Michelle Panchuk
Michelle Panchuk
Reply to  Jennifer Frey
10 years ago

By her own lights, what reason does she think others have for taking her seriously? Shouldn’t she assume that she too is weak, stupid, and likely to fall for the “hysterical”? Indeed, it is hard to make anything other than hysteria out of the belief that “the feminists are out to get us!”

Heidi Howkins Lockwood
Heidi Howkins Lockwood
10 years ago

Here’s another quote that illustrates just how impoverished Charlotte Allen’s research skills are: “The simple explanation [for the dearth of women in philosophy] is that most women aren’t very interested in philosophy, at least the variant that academics now pursue. It’s the most abstract and mathematics-like of the humanities disciplines, and abstract thinking is something at which men seem to excel. The razor-sharp distinction-drawing and brutal, courtroom-style inquisitions that typically take place in philosophy classrooms aren’t much to many women’s taste, either.”

For what it’s worth, Allen hasn’t done her research on the Pogge case, either. If she had — if she had even attempted to contact those philosophers and feminists whose activism she decries (e.g., those who donated to the cause) — she might, just might, have discovered that there is a genuine dark side to the story. Pfft. Not worth the time time it took to read the piece.

Kathryn Pogin
Kathryn Pogin
10 years ago

Aside from the philosophy cases and her journalistic track record, there’s also this: “The OCR under the Obama administration has been issuing increasingly draconian rules and press releases regarding campus harassment, including a May 1 “name and shame” list of 55 institutions, from Harvard on down, that are under OCR investigation for improper handling of harassment complaints.”

Oh no! Press releases! But, more seriously, it’s pretty easy to verify that the list she’s referring to is not a list of schools under investigation for harassment but rather is only the list of schools under investigation for sexual assault issues, e.g., see here: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/05/06/title-ix-investigations-education-department_n_5273986.html

10 years ago

http://beingamaninphilosophy.wordpress.com wants to know what it’s like to be a man in philosophy.

Reply to  BeingAManinPhilosophy
10 years ago

At least use this as a template: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TG4f9zR5yzY&feature=kp