What Are We Doing When What We’re Doing Is Philosophy?

A number of philosophers will take up that question at the Edinburgh Women in Philosophy Group’s Spring Workshop on Philosophical Methodologies this May. The workshop’s organizer, Richard Stöckle-Schobel, informs me that they are looking for postgraduates (i.e., graduate students) to comment on the papers, and have some travel funds available.

UPDATE: See the comment below from Richard Stöckle-Schobel for some clarification and details about this announcement.

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Richard Stöckle-Schobel
10 years ago

Thank you very much for announcing our workshop, Justin! I just want to clarify that the bursaries, kindly granted by the Analysis Trust, can only cover a portion of attendees’ accommodation and registration costs, and unfortunately no travel costs. Also, the workshop is organised by a group of Edinburgh postgraduate students, most notably Nicole Hall and Jie Gao – I am just one of the loudspeakers announcing the event, as it were. All enquiries can be sent to the email address ewpgspringworkshop at gmail.com.
Thanks again,
Richard, for the EWPG Spring Workshop committee