North-South Academic Partnership on Poverty

North-South Academic Partnership on Poverty

Global Colleagues is a one-to-one, academic, multidisciplinary partnership program between scholars in the Global North and South working on issues related to poverty. The first cohort of partnerships began this past May, and the project manager, Robert Lepenies (European University Institute), informs me that there is a “high proportion of philosophers among the participants.”

He describes the program:

The one-year partnership connects pairs of colleagues to engage in a (hopefully) mutually beneficial exchange. Given the challenges faced by many researchers, especially those earlier in their careers and working at less well-resourced universities or colleges in the Global South, the program aims to help better integrate such earlier-career academics into research networks focused on poverty and related issues, and to provide international support for them as they develop their research and teaching careers. At the same time, the partnership enables experienced researchers already embedded in relevant networks to better understand the work context of their earlier-career colleagues and, ideally, opens opportunities for research collaboration on poverty-related issues.

Now that the program is up and running, they are looking for suggestions, feedback, and, of course, scholars interested in taking part in future rounds of the program.

You can see the current set of partnerships and learn more about the program and how to apply here. It is an initiative from Academics Stand Against Poverty (ASAP).

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Tim O'B***
Tim O'B***
8 years ago

Wonderful project!

8 years ago

I wonder why they chose a north/south partition? When I studied development economics, we learned how countries close to the equator were different (poorer) than countries far away. So matching up someone from Yale with someone from an Australian University wouldn’t really accomplish the mission here, right? Is North/South is code for NA-Europe-Australia/Africa-SA.

8 years ago

N/S is code for something along the lines you sketch.