$190k in Grants on “The Self, Motivation, and Virtue” Awarded

The aim of the Self, Motivation, and Virtue (SMV) Project is “to open avenues of inquiry into virtue using the framework of the ‘self,’ instead of ‘personality,’ to require deep and ongoing interdisciplinary collaboration, and to stimulate methodological innovation into the study of virtue.” As part of their project, they recently held a grant competition, awarding 10 research grants that total approximately $190,000.
Philosophers working on the winning research teams include:
Mark Alfano (University of Oregon moving to Delft University of Technology)
Brad Cockelet (University of Miami)
Peggy DesAutels (University of Dayton)
Javier Gomez-Lavin (CUNY Graduate Center)
Warren Herold (University of Arkansas)
Shaun Nichols (University of Arizona)
Jesse Prinz (CUNY Graduate Center)
Robert Roberts (Baylor University)
Valerie Tiberius (University of Minnesota)
Theresa Tobin (Marquette University)
The list of funded projects is here.
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9 years ago

It astonishes me that not one of the projects listed has the word ‘metaphysics’ in its title, and partly for this reason I’m having trouble grasping what all this money and work is supposed to achieve.

“…to stimulate methodological innovation into the study of virtue.”

Really? Is it just me, or is there something a little weird about this enterprise?