Zero Philosophers Among New Carnegie Fellows

The Carnegie Corporation of New York has announced the winners of its new Andrew Carnegie Fellowship program, which awards up to $200,000 to each of 32 recipients. The aim of the fellowship program is to “provide support for scholars in the social sciences and humanities,” according to a press release at its website. You can check out the winners here. There are no philosophers among them.

The selection jury was chaired by Susan Hockfield, MIT President Emerita. She says:

What impressed me most was the quality of the proposals—they seek to tackle some of the most pressing issues of our times with innovative and forward-looking ideas from a wide range of high-caliber candidates. Solutions to the complex issues of today and tomorrow will not emerge simply through technology and science, but require humanistic and social science scholarship to use lessons of the past to devise paths to future peace and progress.

The Chronicle of Higher Education reports, “With this fellowship program, she said, Carnegie Corporation has made a big statement about the importance of those disciplines.”

We should hope not, it seems.

This is a highly visible fellowship program aimed at addressing “issues that fall within a broad realm that Carnegie calls ‘Current and Future Challenges to U.S. Democracy and International Order'” on topics that include “political inequality, nuclear weapons, and racism.” Should we be concerned that none of the very many philosophers working in the relevant areas was deemed sufficiently worthy to be included?

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9 years ago

“Should we be concerned that none of the very many philosophers working in the relevant areas was deemed sufficiently worthy to be included?”

I think the important question first is how many applied? And what exactly did they propose?