Peter Menzies (1953-2015) (updated)

Peter Menzies, Emeritus Professor of Philosophy, Macquarie University, has died. Before his appointment at Macquarie, he held positions at the University of Sydney and Australia National University. He had also been a visiting scholar at several institutions, including MIT, Stanford, and Cambridge.

Huw Price and Philip Pettit write (over the PHILOS-L list):

Peter will be remembered by friends, students and colleagues as one of the most lucid and generous voices in Australasian philosophy, and by philosophers worldwide as one of the most astute metaphysicians of his generation. He was particularly well known for many influential papers on causation.

Peter’s funeral will be held at 3pm, Thursday 12 February, at the Norwood Park Crematorium, Gungahlin, Canberra. There will also be a memorial in Sydney later in February, at a time, date and place to be advised.

UPDATE (2/16/15): The Australasian Association of Philosophy has a memorial notice here.

UPDATE 2 (2/27/15): Huw Price posts an obituary here.

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