Colorful Fallacies Chart

Colorful Fallacies Chart

The website Information Is Beautiful has put together a colorful chart of over 50 fallacies, sorted into six different categories. Created by David McCandless, it’s also available to purchase as a poster in multiple languages. Online versions are available in Chinese, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Portuguese, Romanian, and Spanish.

UPDATE: Some of the entries are less than ideal. Please suggest alternative pithy ways of putting  them and perhaps we can get the McCandless to create a revised version. Suggestions for additions welcome, too.

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Dudimus Prime
Dudimus Prime
9 years ago

I thought only arguments/reasoning could be fallacious, but a bunch of the “examples” in that chart are just claims, e.g. “milk is good for the bones.”

Dudimus Prime
Dudimus Prime
9 years ago

Also some of the definitions don’t seem right at all. For example: “Begging the question: making a claim while leaving out one or more major contributing factors that may affect the conclusion”

Richard Zach
Richard Zach
9 years ago

Apparently “begging the question” no longer means what philosophers think it means.

Julinna Oxley
Julinna Oxley
9 years ago

This logical fallacy poster has more accurate definitions: