Allen Phillips Griffiths (1927-2014)

Allen Phillips Griffiths, emeritus professor of philosophy at—and one of the founders of—the University of Warwick, has died.  Professor Griffiths worked in a wide range of philosophical areas, including ethics and political philosophy, epistemology, and philosophy of psychology. There is a brief memorial notice here. Update (12/17/14): a longer obituary is now at that link.

Beyond the Ivory Tower. Workshop for academics on writing short pieces for wide audiences on big questions. Taking place October 18th to 19th. Application deadline July 30th. Funding provided.
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9 years ago

I would like to pay homage to Allen Philipps Griffiths. I met him when he invited me in 1987 to give a talk at the Royal Institute of philosophy on ” Contemporary French analytic philosophy”. I was very honored , but to the disappointment of the audience reported that there wasn’t any. Thirty years later I’m still unsure whether there is any. He was a very charming man, who already at that time seemed to me to rather old. He took me to dnner with his friend Cyril Barrett, who was a Jesuit and who wrote on Wittgenstein , and then to the Saville Club, one of the most famous Clubs in London of which he was a member. That was a very memorable evening ( I mean for me to go to a British Club, not to talk about a nonentity) . Philipps Griffiths incarnated, in my eyes, The British Philosopher: sharp, smart , kind, rather distant, ironical, funny. He belonged to the generation of students of Ryle and HH Price. He published many books, and edited quite a lot . His article “On Belief” in the volume he edited for OUP on Knowledge and Belief is a masterpiece. It proposed, after Cook Wilson and Findlay, a first version of what is now called the fitting attitude conception of belief. Just an incentive to oblivious-or- ignorant-of-literature- earlier- than- two- years-ago-young- philosophers to read that article.

Arati Barua
Arati Barua
9 years ago

I am deeply saddened by the news of the demise of Prof A P Griffiths (Griff). I fondly remember the days when I was in Warwick Univ and he was my informal supervisor of my PH D work. I used to call him ‘Sir’ and he always objected to it but I could not change my habit. I started calling him “Griff” recently when we began to write in FB. He has written the foreword to my book ” The Philosophy of A Schopenhauer” which actually was a work being supervised by him. So many things are coming to my mind that I just can’t say anything right now. I am very upset with the news. This is great loss to the academic world and particularly to the philosophical world. In fact I was about to write to him that the International conference on Schopenhauer that I am organising at Delhi is coming up and that is the reason i was looking for him and then I got this news very very upsetting . May God give peace and rest to his soul. Arati Barua, New Delhi, India,