Heap of Links

1. Greasy spoons and Gricean maxims. (via Gerald Dworkin)
2. The regress problem for consequentialism, robot version.
3. “In a deeper and more troubling way, it is canny and subversive artifice, spiced with a moralistic claim to personal liberation. A tattoo is a personal statement but also an anthropological position that accords with the prevailing transvaluations of our time.” — from “A Theory for Tattoos.”
4. Data on the use of “he” and “she” over time in Philosopher’s Index abstracts, as analyzed by Eric Schwitzgebel at The Splintered Mind.
5. The philosophical origins for parts of the U.S Constitution, particularly the proscription against cruel punishments in the 8th Amendment, may be in Italy.
6. Marina Warner, former professor of creative writing at University of Essex and current chair of the Man Booker Prize, writes about resigning from higher education, “where enforcers rush to carry out the latest orders from their chiefs in an ecstasy of obedience to ideological principles which they do not seem to have examined, let alone discussed with the people they order to follow them.” Additional piece here.
7. Political epistemology gets a special double-issue of Critical Review.
8. The latest episode of the BBC’s Philosopher’s Arms is on trolleyology.
9. PhD(isabled) is “a space for PhD students with disability or chronic illness to share their experiences.” The latest post is by a grad student in a philosophy program.
10. 8-Bit Philosophy takes a clip from True Detective as an opportunity to illustrate Nietzsche’s idea of eternal recurrence.
11. By Bentham.

The Hedgehog Review
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Andrew Sepielli
9 years ago

Let’s not lay this robot’s dithering at consequentialism’s feet. Winfield writes on his blog:

“So we introduced a third robot – acting as a second proxy human. So now our ethical robot would face a dilemma – which one should it rescue? Actually we thought hard about this question and *decided not to programme a rule, or heuristic* [emphasis mine]. Partly because such a rule should be decided by ethicists, not engineers, and partly because we wanted to test our ethical robot with a ‘balanced’ dilemma.”


Nicholas Denyer
Nicholas Denyer
9 years ago

The source of the US Constitution’s 8th amendment “Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.” is evidently the 1689 Bill of Rights, declaring that “Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.” Why imagine that the source is instead Ceasare Beccaria’s 1764 treatise?