
New links…

Discussion welcome.

  1. Is this going to be David Hume’s pop culture moment? — Hume scholars, get ready for the next installment of The Hunger Games series, which author Susanne Collins is based on the philosopher’s idea of “implicit submission”
  2. The path a scientific example took from obscurity to world fame runs through two philosophers and a science fiction author — a cultural history of Schrödinger’s Cat
  3. Three fake philosophy journals made it into Elsevier’s widely used Scopus database — philosophers Tomasz Żuradzki & Leszek Wroński (Jagiellonian University) made the discovery
  4. “An agent’s assumptions about their situation… are not above question” — Richard Yetter Chappell (Miami) on the risks of applying judgments about thought experiments to real-world cases (responding to Setiya in #5, below)
  5. “What gets lost in the memes is why the trolley problem matters” — Kieran Setiya (MIT) on the famous example, why Thomson changed her mind about it, and its application to recent events
  6. “She’s one of those philosophers, like Simone Weil or Alasdair MacIntyre, whose name calls to mind a unique and immediately recognizable way of thinking. Or at least, Rose’s name would do that, if she were better known” — Maya Krishnan (Oxford/Chicago) on the philosophy of Gillian Rose, who wrote six books prior to her death in 1995 at age 48
  7. “The principle of institutional neutrality lends itself to being used in a merely cynical way” — Anton Ford (Chicago) on Israel, Hamas, and the institutional neutrality of universities

Mini-Heap posts usually appear when 7 or so new items accumulate in the Heap of Links, a collection of items from around the web that may be of interest to philosophers.

The Heap of Links consists partly of suggestions from readers; if you find something online that you think would be of interest to the philosophical community, please send it in for consideration for the Heap. Thank you.

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14 days ago

Hugh Warwick’s book *Cull of the Wild* reviewed in the New Yorker. “Should We Kill Some Wild Creatures to Protect Others?”

13 days ago

Gillian Rose’s Hegel Contra Sociology is a must-read.