Two Philosophers Named “New Generation Thinkers” by BBC

The BBC and the UK’s Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) have selected “ten of the UK’s most promising arts and humanities early career researchers” as this year’s “New Generation Thinkers,” and two of them are philosophers.

They are Jack Symes of Durham University and Jonathan Egid of King’s College London.

Jack Symes, Jonathan Egid

According to the BBC,

Every year, a nationwide search is held for the best new arts and humanities academics with ideas that will resonate with a wider audience on BBC radio. From hundreds of applications, these ten New Generation Thinkers represent some of the best early career researchers in the country.

Those selected are given media training by the BBC and AHRC and opportunities to share their work with BBC Radio 4 listeners on its various programs.

Both Symes and Egid have already been active in producing public-facing philosophy. Symes is the host of The Panpsycast Philosophy Podcast and the editor of the Talking about Philosophy book series. Egid has written for publications such as the Times Literary SupplementAeon, and New Humanist.

The whole set of new “New Generation Thinkers” are announced here.

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