Daily Nous Turns 10!

Daily Nous started on the afternoon of Friday, March 7th, 2014—ten years ago today.

I’ll be marking the anniversary throughout the month with a few posts about the past 10 years.

For now, I’ll just say thank you to all of you. It has been a privilege to have this platform, to be useful, and to learn so much along the way.

Thanks for reading Daily Nous, for taking part in the discussions here, and for your support, your trust, your ideas and suggestions, your criticisms, and your patience over the past decade. I’m truly grateful.

— Justin


The Hedgehog Review
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Daniel Hoek
4 months ago

Happy birthday! Thank you, Justin for tending to this great resource all those years (in good times and bad).

Martin Lenz
4 months ago

Yes, happy birthday! I second what Daniel said.

David Sobel
4 months ago

Happy Birthday to Daily Nous!

William D'Alessandro
William D'Alessandro
4 months ago

It amuses me that academic philosophers of all people managed to pull this off, but DN and PhilPeople are a shining example of what social media could and should have been. I’m proud of us (and grateful to everyone responsible). Here’s to many decades more!

4 months ago

Daily Nous is a wonderful resource for the community. I can only imagine the work (and headaches) involved. Congratulations on surviving ten years!

david estlund
david estlund
4 months ago

Congrats, Justin, and well-done!

Eric Steinhart
4 months ago

Thank you for your hard work over all these years! A true service to our profession.

Happy bday
Happy bday
4 months ago

My first reaction was “just 10 years? But DN has always been here!”. Happy birthday indeed, and thank you.

Anonymous and grateful grad student
Anonymous and grateful grad student
4 months ago

Easily the best source for philosophy nous on the internet. We’re grateful.

Carolyn Dicey Jennings
Carolyn Dicey Jennings
4 months ago

To ten more!

Jeremy Dickinson
Jeremy Dickinson
4 months ago

Well done. Thank you for all you do.

Simoni Iliadi
Simoni Iliadi
4 months ago

Happy birthday and thank you so much for everything!!!

4 months ago

Happy Birthday DailyNous! I am glad DailyNous exists, and grateful for your kind and unassuming support with the yearly Malaria Fundraisers. They would not be possible without your help, and it’s very generous you’re lending a grad student project your reach!

brice enderton
brice enderton
4 months ago

Congratulations! This is so much better than that other blog that just reposts 15 year old threads.

Tim Kirk
Tim Kirk
4 months ago

Happy anniversary. I read and benefit regularly. Thank you!

Patrick Lin
4 months ago

Nice work, Justin!

What needs to happen to keep this site going for another 10 years? Any plans to evolve the site?

Heather Salazar
4 months ago

What a huge accomplishment. Congrats!

Amy S.
Amy S.
4 months ago

Happy birthday! I 17-uple what others have already said. This is a real service to the profession — and just plain fun! It is also, I imagine, a helluva lot of work, and not a few headaches Thank you for your service.