Mark Rollins (1947-2023)

Mark Rollins, emeritus professor of philosophy at Washington University in St. Louis, has died.

Mark Rollins

Professor Rollins was known for his work on aesthetics and philosophy of mind. He is the author of Mental Imagery: On the Limits of Cognitive Science, and many articles and chapters, including “What Monet Meant: Intention and Attention in Understanding Art,” “Cognitive Science and Art Criticism,” and “The Invisible Content of Visual Art,” among others. You can learn more about his writing here.

Rollins joined the Department of Philosophy at Washington University in 1987, and taught courses in both Philosophy and in the Philosophy-Neuroscience-Psychology program, which he helped create in the early 1990s. He also served as chair of the Department of Philosophy and He earned his PhD from Columbia University, his MA from California State University, Los Angeles, and his undergraduate degree from the University of Oklahoma.

The Washington University Department of Philosophy has posted a memorial notice here. In it, philosopher Ron Mallon says, “It is no exaggeration to say that Mark Rollins was the most important chair in recent history for the philosophy department, and many of us would not be here but for the foundation that he laid. He had a kind of gift for seeing and exploring possibilities for the department and the university. Mark was also a valuable mentor for those of us who came along later in his career—a ready source of wise advice based on his broad experience.”

He died on November 24th, from cancer.

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