Philosophy Grad Program Application Info Spreadsheet – 2023-24 Edition

An open-access spreadsheet about philosophy graduate program admissions which includes information about application deadlines, fees, requirements, funding packages, and so on, as well as links to the programs, has been updated for the upcoming admissions season.

[Jasper Johns, “Numbers in Color”]

The spreadsheet is maintained by Linds Whittaker, a graduate student in philosophy at the University of Washington.

The information he provides on the spreadsheet is the information he gets via department websites, and so notes a few ambiguities:

  • “GRE not required” can mean either “optional” or “don’t send it, we won’t look at it” depending on the university/department.
  • “Official transcript” can mean either “we need a hardcopy official transcript” or “upload a copy of the official transcript with your online application” depending on the university/department.
  • Some inconsistent deadlines between department websites and graduate school’s pages on department deadlines.

There’s also the possibility of broken links at department websites and the absence of information, such as an application deadline.

If you notice any errors on the Google spreadsheet, you can note them in the comments here and/or email corrections to Linds Whittaker.

The spreadsheet is below and also available here.



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Mark Wilson
Mark Wilson
8 months ago

Those price tags are much greater than I expected.

Eddy Nahmias
Eddy Nahmias
8 months ago

Linds, this is a great resource for students applying to PhD programs. Thank you! If departments can edit it themselves, maybe you could add a column for programs to add the length limits for Writing Samples. Perhaps it would help prompt our discipline to settle on a standard, so that applicants don’t have to revise their samples to meet different length limits. I’ll start the process: can we just make it 6000-word absolute maximum (maybe with programs listing a preference for 4000-5000 word samples if that’s what they want).

Linds Whittaker
Linds Whittaker
Reply to  Eddy Nahmias
8 months ago

I’m more than happy to add a column for WS info and to also have departments add comments/make edits! :]

some guy named josh
some guy named josh
Reply to  Linds Whittaker
8 months ago

Hi Lindsay,
Thank you for all your work! Adding a column dedicated to each program’s respective stipend amount could be an interesting addition as well. This would not only benefit applicants but maybe also provide some valuable data insights. I’ve found it to be a somewhat useful method for gauging the financial standing/priorities of a department.