
Latest links…

  1. A missing color — cognitive scientist and artist Allen Tager tries to figure out what explains why violet was largely missing for much of human history
  2. Philosophy at the movies — some highlights from the film & philosophy podcast of Justin Khoo (MIT), “Cows in the Field”
  3. “The objection to violence has its limit at the point when fundamental freedoms are at stake” — understanding Habermas’ view on Germany’s role in helping Ukraine (via Darrel Moellendorf)
  4. “Raz’s legacy is a body of work united by dense and detailed tissues of understanding, spun between jurisprudence, political philosophy, ethics, and practical reasoning” — Jeremy Waldron (NYU) on the significance of Joseph Raz’s work
  5. If we conceive of time as a kind of veil of ignorance, perhaps the governance of space is a good subject for a Rawlsian approach—but not for long — more cynical headline: “Rawls’s Theory Finally Finds Suitable Application in Lifeless Void, according to Social Scientists”
  6. More on the metaphysics of farts, and the mysterious author of the article smelt round the world — by Elizabeth Picciuto in Slate
  7. “How much should we dress up for an event when the topic of the talk was body modification?” — a journalist reports on an event with philosopher Clare Chambers (Cambridge) about bodies, beauty, and shame

Mini-Heap posts usually appear when 7 or so new items accumulate in the Heap of Links, a collection of items from around the web that may be of interest to philosophers. Discussion welcome.

The Heap of Links consists partly of suggestions from readers; if you find something online that you think would be of interest to the philosophical community, please send it in for consideration for the Heap. Thanks!

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