Korsgaard to Receive 2023 Rescher Medal

Christine M. Korsgaard, the Arthur Kingsley Porter Research Professor of Philosophy at Harvard University, has been named the winner of the 2023 Nicholas Rescher Medal for Contributions to Systematic Philosophy.

The Rescher Prize, created in 2010, is “intended to counter present-day tendencies to narrow specialization by rewarding and showcasing the work of philosophers who have addressed the historical ‘big questions’ of the field in ways that nevertheless command the respect of specialists.” The announcement of Korsgaard winning the 2023 Prize notes that Professor Korsgaard has “written extensively on moral philosophy and its history, practical reason, agency, personal identity, and human/animal relations.” You can learn more about her work at her website.

The prize includes a gold medal and $30,000. The winner delivers a prize lecture, as well, which Professor Korsgaard will be doing in February, 2023.

Previous winners include Ernst Sosa (2010), Alvin Plantinga (2012), Juergen Mittelstrass (2013), Hilary Putnam (2015), Ruth Millikan (2017), and Thomas Nagel (2021).

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Jean Chambers
2 years ago


Daniel Weltman
2 years ago

One of my (many) favorite things about her recent book Fellow Creatures is how that book’s central claims, although they are entirely substantiated within the book itself, are also elegantly tied in to a lot of her previous work (often via brief footnotes or other very unobtrusive methods). It’s a very rich book that’s even richer when read in light of her other work.