
Recent links…

  1. “This is a threat to all of us” — Jeff McMahan (Oxford) interviewed about the Russian attack on Ukraine
  2. Political philosophy and political style — Michael Blake (Washington) on the signifiance of Zelenskyy’s “style of political presentation” being “the antithesis of that shown by… Putin”
  3. It’s not “just looking” — Helen Frowe (Stockholm) and Jonathan Parry (LSE) on why the consumption of revenge porn should be criminalized
  4. “What’s good? Whatever / The highest good is pleasure” — a rap about Epicurus, from Nathan Dufour Oglesby. You’ll get some pleasure from it. (via Tim O’Keefe)
  5. “A careful examination of Newcome’s historical and intellectual context supports the claim that she made a very important contribution to the development of utilitarianism” — before Sidgwick, Mill, or Bentham, there was Susanna Newcome (via Richard Yetter Chappell)
  6. “Only those have reached the ground in themselves and have become aware of the depths of life, who have at one time abandoned everything and have themselves been abandoned by everything, for whom everything has been lost, and who have found themselves alone, face-to-face with the infinite…” — Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling on who can be a philosopher, in an “interview” at 3:16AM
  7. “While we can’t tell you exactly why, according to our algorithm, you are not eligible for chemotherapy and our algorithm is rarely wrong” — is “our algorithm is rarely wrong” a suitable justification for an AI-based medical decision? Anantharaman Muralidharan (NUS), G. Owen Schaefer (NUS), Julian Savulescu (Oxford) on this and related questions

Mini-Heap posts usually appear when 7 or so new items accumulate in the Heap of Links, a collection of items from around the web that may be of interest to philosophers. Discussion welcome.

The Heap of Links consists partly of suggestions from readers; if you find something online that you think would be of interest to the philosophical community, please send it in for consideration for the Heap. Thanks!

Beyond the Ivory Tower. Workshop for academics on writing short pieces for wide audiences on big questions. Taking place October 18th to 19th. Application deadline July 30th. Funding provided.
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Athos Rache
2 years ago

About Richard Marshall’s diálogos with Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling in his exclusive interview with Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling something captured my attention.
First he kind of cursed Heidegger as facist. Then at the conclusion of the interview he said as Schelling:
FS: The egotism of each individual act must join itself to that of all the others; what is produced is a product of the subordination of all under one and one under all, i.e., the most complete mutual subordination. No individual potency could produce the whole for itself, but all together can produce it. The product does not lie in the individual, but in all together. …”

The beauty of a facist concept straight from Richard Marshall’s brain. There may be that every single human being that believes in something is a proto-facist himself. Can you be a facist without a believe, without faith in an idea?
Then who is not facist?