Immortality Project Grant Winners Announced

The Immortality Project at UC Riverside, headed up by John Martin Fischer, has announced the winners of grants totaling $1.5 million. The winners include a number of philosophers working on a variety of projects.

Philosophers among the winners include Yuval Avnur (Scripps), Christopher Belshaw (Open University), Stephan Blatti (Memphis), Ben Bradley (Syracuse), Mikel Burley (Leeds), Stephen Burwood (Hull), Ryan Byerly (Regent) and Eric Silverman (Christopher Newport U.), John Davis (CSU Fullerton), Helen De Cruz (Oxford), Andrew Eshleman (U. of Portland), Luca Ferrero (Wisconsin-Milwaukee), Cody Gilmore (UC Davis), Yitzhak Melamed (Johns Hopkins) and Oded Schecter, Timothy Pawl (U. of St. Thomas) and Kevin Timpe (Northwestern Nazarene), Mark Rowlands (Miami), Eric Schwitzgebel (UC Riverside), Aaron Segal (Yeshiva U.), Meghan Sullivan (Notre Dame), Christina Van Dyke (Calvin College), Ajume Wingo (Colorado) and Dan Demetriou (U. Minnesota, Morris), and Mark Wrathall (UC Riverside).

See here for descriptions of the projects.

Beyond the Ivory Tower. Workshop for academics on writing short pieces for wide audiences on big questions. Taking place October 18th to 19th. Application deadline July 30th. Funding provided.
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