
This just in: new links…

  1. “Maybe we are so enmeshed in contradictions in our day-to-day lives, so constantly pulled in multiple conflicting directions at once, that we don’t even notice, except when the inconsistency becomes so insistent that it can’t be ignored” — if philosophy is going to makes sense of the world and our lives, argues Zach Weber (Otago), it will be with paraconsistent logics
  2. “It is a joy to play with this ontological uncertainty. It is the magic of movies” — that we see actors along with their characters and a film’s production along with its fiction is relevant to the metaphysics, aesthetics, and ethics of the medium, argues Francey Russell (Barnard)
  3. The Last Days of Socrates: The Musical — written by the Lebanese composer Mansour Rahbani (1998), it’s in Arabic, with over 100 dancers and actors, and it is quite the spectacle
  4. How does the meaning of a word (or symbol, or gesture…) first arise? — Brian Skyrms (UCI) used simulations as part of his work on this puzzle; now Mike Deigan (Rutgers) has made online versions of these simulations for anyone to run
  5. “The solace of Platonism is purchased at a large cost. Is there some less evasive and less contorted way to face our end?” — Martha Nussbaum (Chicago) on disgust, death, and not hating the body
  6. “The colors, shapes, and other sensible properties entering my experience are all imagined… [but] what’s imagined… is the overall past appearance common to previous encounters with that property” — “perceiving is imagining the past,” argues Michael Barkasi (Toronto)
  7. “Philosophers should welcome opportunities in academic leadership” — four philosophers with experience as chairs or deans explain why

Mini-Heap posts usually appear when 7 or so new items accumulate in the Heap of Links, a collection of items from around the web that may be of interest to philosophers. Discussion welcome.

The Heap of Links consists partly of suggestions from readers; if you find something online that you think would be of interest to the philosophical community, please send it in for consideration for the Heap. Thanks!

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