Networking and Mentoring Workshop for Graduate Student Women in Philosophy

Athena in Action, a networking and mentoring workshop for women graduate students in philosophy, will be taking place in June, 2022 at Rutgers University.

One of the workshop’s co-directors, Elizabeth Harman (Princeton), wrote in with information about the workshop and applying to it:

Athena in Action: A Networking and Mentoring Workshop for Graduate Student Women in Philosophy will take place at Rutgers University, June 27-30, 2022. The application deadline is December 15, 2021.

Thirty-five PhD students in philosophy from outside Rutgers will be selected to participate in the workshop: seven submitted papers will be selected to be discussed at the workshop; fourteen students will be selected as commentators on the papers; and fourteen more students will be selected as chairs of sessions. An additional roughly five students will be selected from Rutgers’ PhD program.

This will be a pre-read workshop: all participants will be expected to read the seven papers on the program in advance, and to participate fully in the workshop. In addition to seven sessions of substantive philosophy, there will be five sessions at which professional advice will be offered by fourteen faculty mentors.

Our goal is to create a workshop at which high-level philosophical conversation occurs and great advice is offered. Participants will benefit from making connections with other talented philosophy students, getting to know the faculty mentors, and hearing the mentorsĀ“ advice on thriving as a woman in philosophy.

We are committed to accommodating all participants with disabilities.

The workshop will provide meals for all students, and will provide students with shared rooms for three nights at the Hyatt Regency in New Brunswick. The workshop will reimburse up to $500 of each student’s travel costs. Those students who will be traveling to the workshop with children will be provided with their own rooms in the hotel rather than shared rooms. The workshop will also provide information about how to find babysitters in the New Brunswick area.

This is the fifth Athena in Action workshop. The first four workshops reached more than 160 graduate students in philosophy across seven years.

Who is eligible to apply?

Philosophy PhD students are eligible to apply as long as they are planning to defend their dissertations in May 2022 or later. (If your PhD program does not require a dissertation defense, you must be planning to complete your degree requirements in May 2022 or later.) While the workshop may be particularly useful to women, people of any gender or gender identity are eligible to apply.

For more details about applying to the workshop go here.

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