
New in the Heap of Links…

  1. “Our knowledge of ourselves is (meta)knowledge like any other – hard-won, and always subject to revision” — Stephen M. Fleming (UCL) on the science of metacognition
  2. “We don’t even claim that it is rehabilitative, although it might be, but we do claim that it takes people seriously” — an article about philosophy in prisons, based on discussions with MM McCabe and Mike Coxhead (KCL)
  3. “The fact that the term ‘mob’ can function pejoratively creates a paradox” — an interview with Susanna Siegel (Harvard) on mob violence and vigilantism
  4. “Rationality is systematized winning.” “It’s not winning I’m worried about… I want to know the truth.” — a teacher and a student talk about the limits of rationality
  5. Is the ball helping the mouse get to the cheese? — Do we “see” free will? After watching the video, click on the PDF link for an explanation of a new “perceptual” approach to free will attribution.
  6. “As a scholar, I could not do my job if I accepted the sort of ‘reasoning’ we are given for the cruel arrangements under which we labor” — “And that is the fundamental bullshit on which all the bullshit sits,” writes Amy Olberding (Oklahoma)
  7. “In everyday life we often experience cities as beautiful… however, the city is only a marginal topic in aesthetics” — Tea Lobo (Collegium Helveticum) on the aesthetics of cities

Mini-Heap posts usually appear when 7 or so new items accumulate in the Heap of Links, the collection of items from around the web that may be of interest to philosophers. Discussion welcome.

The Heap of Links consists partly of suggestions from readers; if you find something online that you think would be of interest to the philosophical community, please send it in for consideration for the Heap. Thanks!

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V. Alan White
2 years ago

I strongly recommend Professor Olberding’s #6 above–it is a sobering reflection on the state of many in our profession in places where public and political support for universities and faculty is at an all-time low, allowing arbitrary administrative power to fill the vacuum.