Philosopher’s Annual Volume 40 Released

Philosopher’s Annual, an attmpt to select the “best” articles published in philosophy each year—a task the editors admit is “as simple to state as it is admittedly impossible to fulfill”—has released its 40th volume, covering literature from 2020.

[from “2,3” by Tauba Auerbach]

Here are the selections:

The editors of Philosopher’s Annual are Patrick Grim (Michigan / Stony Brook), Abdulwausay Ansari, Ariana Peruzzi Sancio, and Laura K. Soter (Michigan). The nominating editors for this volume were: Jc Beall, Ned Block, Ben Bradley, Liam Kofi Bright, Lara Buchak, Tyler Burge, Victor Caston, David Chalmers, Andrew Chignell, Roger Crisp, Cian Dorr, Adam Elga, Iskra Fileva, Branden Fitelson, Graeme Forbes, Aaron Garrett, Michael Glanzberg, Alexander Guerrero, Alan Hajek, Ned Hall, Elizabeth Harman, Gary Hatfield, Benj Hellie, Christopher Hitchcock, Des Hogan, Simon Huttegger, Brad Inwood, Simon Keller, Tom Kelly, Niko Kolodny, Jennifer Lackey, Marc Lange, Brian Leiter, Ernie Lepore, Neil Levy, Martin Lin, John Marenbon, Colin McLarty, Jeff McMahan, Shaun Nichols, Paul Noordhof, Graham Oddie, Rohit Parikh, Derk Pereboom, Richard Pettigrew, Duncan Pritchard, Theron Pummer, Greg Restall, Geoffrey Sayre-McCord, Barry Schein, Mark Schroeder, Laura Schroeter, Stewart Shapiro, Ted Sider, Scott Soames, Roy Sorensen, Quayshawn Spencer, Katie Steele, Una Stojnik, Eric Swanson, Johan van Benthem, Mark van Roojen, Sergio Tenenbaum, Peter B. M. Vranas, Eric Watkins, Danielle Wenner, Gideon Yaffe, Jose Zalabardo, and Kevin Zollman.

(via Patrick Grim)

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2 years ago

I believe “in English” would be a proper addition to their definition. As in “the ‘best’ articles published in philosophy each year in English”.