
Recent additions to the Heap of Links…

  1. “The truly valuable skill here isn’t the capacity to push yourself harder, but to stop and recuperate despite the discomfort of knowing that work remains unfinished, emails unanswered, other people’s demands unfulfilled” — advice about work
  2. When should we act for the sake of past people or our own past interests? — a discussion about our duties to the past
  3. Plunderous Plato, Dangerous Descartes, Lethal Locke, Ferocious Frege, and the rest of the Philosophical Powers action figures — from way back in the day
  4. That “interval during which we might not only speculate among ourselves about what might happen next, but also about what the characters should and should not do, and about which were ones are admirable or cowards or downright despicable” — Noël Carroll (CUNY) on the costs of binge-wacthing
  5. Kant’s view is that “trying to provide God’s reasons is itself evidence that you’ve got a culpably messed up view of what you can know, and trying to use evil to disprove God shows the same” — Robert Gressis (CSUN) interviewed on Kant, religion, ethics, the current state of philosophy, and more
  6. “We should keep in mind there’s a collective aspect to privacy. Every time you give out data about yourself, you are also exposing others” — Carissa Véliz (Oxford ) interviewed by Evan Selinger (RIT) on data privacy in The Boston Globe
  7. “What is X?” is a new philosophy podcast from Justin E.H. Smith & The Point in which he hosts interviews with experts on questions like “What is nature?” or “What is beauty?” — the first episode, “What is Philosophy?” is with Agnes Callard (Chicago)

Mini-Heap posts usually appear when 7 or so new items accumulate in the Heap of Links, the collection of items from around the web that may be of interest to philosophers. Discussion welcome.

The Heap of Links consists partly of suggestions from readers; if you find something online that you think would be of interest to the philosophical community, please send it in for consideration for the Heap. Thanks!

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