
The latest links…

  1. “What does story telling do to people? It is making them dream, it is making them suffer as well. But can we stop storytelling? I don’t think so.” — Julie Delpy, actress in and co-writer of the films “Before Sunrise,” “Before Sunset,” and “Before Midnight”, is interviewed by philosophers at AfB
  2. “The fact that there are unhealthy forms of pity should not prevent us from recognising its humanising element” — Gordon Marino (St. Olaf) on pity
  3. Do people view pain as mind-centric or body-centric? — new results suggest people conceive of pain as a “hybrid combining both mental and bodily aspects”
  4. Underphilosophized: “the fraught relationship between the private insurance industry and the state, and the growing power of insurance companies in gathering and wielding data about individuals and groups” — Caley Horan (MIT) looks at the issues
  5. The allies of Viktor Orban, the right-wing prime minister of Hungary, “have poured £1.5 million into a chain of coffee shops in Scruton’s memory” — the first cafe to open features “memorabilia including books, records and a teapot donated by the widow of Sir Roger Scruton”
  6. “By contemplating what is possible in the universe, in addition to what happens, we have a much more complete picture of the physical world” — Chiara Marletto (Oxford) on the importance of counterfactuals in science
  7. “8-bit” style watercolor rendition of Raphael’s “School of Athens” — by artist Adam Lister

Mini-Heap posts usually appear when 7 or so new items accumulate in the Heap of Links, the collection of items from around the web that may be of interest to philosophers. Discussion welcome.

The Heap of Links consists partly of suggestions from readers; if you find something online that you think would be of interest to the philosophical community, please send it in for consideration for the Heap. Thanks!

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3 years ago

Love that Lister rendition. Looks kinda like School of Athens via Paul Klee.