
New additions to the Heap of Links…

  1. “On average, people in more individualist countries donate more money, more blood, more bone marrow and more organs” — recent research on individualism, altruism, and selfishness
  2. “The question I am asking is whether, looking at ourselves from outside, we should come to view our attachment to rights and deontology as an unnecessarily cluttered moral outlook” — Thomas Nagel (NYU) attempts to bring our moral intuitions and the science on them into reflective equilibrium.
  3. On teaching: “I don’t think it is a particularly meaningful job, despite what some people claim” — John Danaher (NUI) explains his negative view of teaching
  4. APA reinstates Diversity Grant and Small Grants programs — they had been suspended during the pandemic. Applications are open now.
  5. Improvement through subtraction — experimental research on the human tendencies to think solutions involve adding something, and to overlook solutions that involve removing something
  6. “Further reflections on tolerance and its difficulty” — T.M. Scanlon (Harvard) delivers the 2021 Knox Lecture at St. Andrews
  7. “Weil was an anarchist who happened to espouse conservative ideals” — Robert Zaretsky (Houston) on how Simone Weil might offer conservatives “a path forward”

Mini-Heap posts usually appear when 7 or so new items accumulate in the Heap of Links, the collection of items from around the web that may be of interest to philosophers. Discussion welcome.

The Heap of Links consists partly of suggestions from readers; if you find something online that you think would be of interest to the philosophical community, please send it in for consideration for the Heap. Thanks!


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3 years ago

The study on charity and individualism is interesting, but the questions the researchers failed to investigate were: How accessible is donating to charities in these collectivist countries? How often do these collectivist countries advertise donating to charities compared to individualist countries? Do collectivist countries have checkout/cashier donations? How often do blood banks stop by schools to let students donate blood in these collectivist countries compared to individualist countries like the US? How many charity organizations exist in these collectivist countries compared to individualist ones? How often do people get asked to be organ donors in these countries? Do they even get asked to be one at their DMV or must they apply for it somewhere else? Is organ donation even legal in these collectivist countries? If organ donation is legally allowed in many collectivist countries, then how often are they made known to the public? Is this really an individualist vs. collectivist issue or is it more of an opportunity-to-donate-or-do-altruistic-things issue?