
Latest links….

  1. Are you your connectome? — If so, we might see an in-principle way of giving you immortality. Unfortunately, the most promising technique for this is… fatal?
  2. Academic bullying disguised as fighting for academic freedom — “Over the past decade, something very odd has happened to the idea of academic freedom: It has become conflated with free speech,” writes Jennifer Ruth (Portland State)
  3. At the intersection of philosophical theories of well-being and empirical studies of well-being — an interdisciplinary team fights equivocations and explores implications
  4. Strategies for better aesthetic disagreement — from Brandon Polite (Knox) and Matt Strohl (Montana)
  5. “A complex and accurate analog computing device — from a civilization that flourished 2,200 years ago” — the Antikythera mechanism is further evidence that “the past is more complicated, more multi-faceted, and more surprising than we currently know”
  6. “Demarcation is simply inevitable. Scientists have finite time and therefore must select which topics are worth working on and which are not” — the challenges of distinguishing science from non-science, in Boston Review
  7. “I believe that actions are wrong when they cause harm that violates a right [or]… when they cause gratuitous offence” — “Often cultural appropriation does neither.” James Young (Victoria) interviewed about art, music, copyright, culture, and more

Mini-Heap posts usually appear when 7 or so new items accumulate in the Heap of Links, the collection of items from around the web that may be of interest to philosophers. Discussion welcome.

The Heap of Links consists partly of suggestions from readers; if you find something online that you think would be of interest to the philosophical community, please send it in for consideration for the Heap. Thanks!

Beyond the Ivory Tower. Workshop for academics on writing short pieces for wide audiences on big questions. Taking place October 18th to 19th. Application deadline July 30th. Funding provided.
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