David Charles McCarty (1953-2020)

David Charles McCarty, professor of philosophy at Indiana University, has died.

Professor McCarty was worked on the philosophy and history of mathematics and logic, and early analytic philosophy. You can read an overview of his work in an obituary posted at the Indiana University Department of Philosophy website. An excerpt:

He published over 120 peer-reviewed papers. He wrote on intuitionism, the completeness problem for intuitionistic logic, Markov’s Principle, constructive validity, realizability and recursive mathematics, potentially infinite sets, denotational semantics, Church’s Thesis, logical truth, the meanings of the connectives, limits of mathematical explanation, mathematical realism, structuralism, antirealism, the philosophy of logical atomism, as well as Hilbert and du Bois-Reymond, Carnap, Brouwer, Helmholtz, Frege, Wittgenstein, Dedekind, Gödel, Anselm’s ontological argument, Goethe, historical fiction, the pathetic fallacy, and other topics. His book To an Infinite Power: Mathematical and Philosophical Writings of Paul du Bois-Reymond, will be published by Oxford University Press in 2021.

Professor McCarty had several main lines of work in logic. He was one of the world’s leading experts on constructive mathematics and intuitionistic logic, and all matters related to their history and philosophy. He proved a number of results on these topics that are of permanent importance both to people in that field and to outsiders.

Professor McCarty died of a heart attack on November 25th.

The Philosophy Department at Indiana is preparing a Memory Book for Professor McCarty. Please email Kirk Ludwig  if you would like to contribute.

USI Switzerland Philosophy
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Michael Saxon
Michael Saxon
3 years ago

Though I’ve shared a full remembrance with the department, I’ll just say the following here: as a professor and teacher, David was absolutely first-rate. He cared about his students and invested a great deal of time in our growth as thinkers. He was also fun to be around and knew how to balance hard work with revelry. I’m glad that I was able to know him.