Around The Philosoblogosphere

Below are reports about some recent philosoblogospheric activity. If something philosophical and worth sharing is going on at a blog you read or run, feel free to post about it in the comments.

Aesthetics for Birds received a grant from the American Society for Aesthetics for a redesign of the site that makes it, uh, “readymade” for more aesthetical action. Lots of cool content, too, recently, including an interview with punk rock legend and Touch and Go label founder Tesco Vee, and a post by Catharine Abell (Manchester) on the philosophical problems posed by fiction. Also, the 100 x 100 x 100 series continues.

Crooked Timber is running a book symposium on Joseph Carens’s The Ethics of Immigration. The first contribution is by Chris Bertram and can be found here. Look for other contributions by the other arborists at Crooked Timber over the next week or so, and a reply by Carens.

Feminist Philosophers has a post up by Stacey Goguen about the ethics of “trigger warnings,” which are starting to make an appearance on some syllabi. The post includes links to a number of recent news articles, as well as a collection of comments from philosophers and others.

The Philosophers’ Cocoon has a sub-blog, Over/Under Appreciated Philosophy, the aim of which is “to solicit and discuss posts from readers arguing that particular ideas/arguments are over- or under-appreciated.” Meanwhile, over at the main site, there’s a post by Marcus Arvan in which he argues that “making too many distinctions…seems to me something that can comprise a moral and philosophical failing.” One of his concerns is that philosophers are doing too much philosophizing and not enough living, with the result being that philosophy is too often detached from life.  

More Important Than That has a recent post that starts with the idea that philosophers of sport are doing too much philosophizing and not enough playing (or watching) of sports, leading to the kind of thing “that gives philosophy a bad name.” But if done right, David Papineau claims, philosophy of sport, particularly when focused on cheating, can lead to interesting insights for political philosophers.

The Indian Philosophy Blog is soliciting feedback on the ideas for a collection of readings in Indian Philosophy. There are some worries about ghettoization (expressed here, for instance).

The Kramer is Now, an always interesting and often entertaining blog by Patricia Marino (Waterloo), endorses avoiding thinking about your death, and offers up the metrics by which to assess various ways to do so. Finally, a justification for all that time on Facebook.

PEA Soup has posted the latest in its blog-journal collaborative discussions, this time of “Expressivism and Moore’s Paradox” by Jack Woods, from Philosopher’s Imprint. Teemu Toppinen provides a handy precis of the article. Also at PEA Soup, Richard Arneson has guest-blogged on moral luck.

Beyond the Ivory Tower. Workshop for academics on writing short pieces for wide audiences on big questions. Taking place October 18th to 19th. Application deadline July 30th. Funding provided.
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