Heap of Links – Long Weekend Bonus Edition

1. I’ll have the Frege Legs with Russell Sprouts, please.
2. Steven Nadler on the Jewish ban of Spinoza and the relation between wisdom and orthodoxy.
3. A multi-author forum on privacy and the framework for a “digital bill of rights.”
4. Are you more utilitarian in a foreign language?
5. Science Magazine’s special issue on the science of inequality.
6. Want to guest blog on the metaphysics of love?
7. Michael Sandel: Public Philosopher — the BBC Podcast Series.
8. Can we learn about social media from Dostoevsky?
9. The fox and the hedgehog. For reals. (via MR)
10. The head of Japan’s central bank, Haruhiko Kuroda, does a little philosophy on the side.
11. The art of live-blogging philosophy.
12. What kind of person who believes Marxism explains Buzzfeed are you?
13. What should you do with the things you value most? (via @JonnyGeller)

The Hedgehog Review
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