Philosophers Among Recent NEH Grant Winners (updated)

Several philosophy professors are among the newly announced winners of grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH).

They are:

  • Jackson Buras (Baylor University)
    Disputatio and the Pursuit of Wisdom in the Humanities
    A two-week summer seminar for school teachers exploring the disputatio, or disputed questions, as a tool for discussing the nature of wisdom. $100,000 (Seminars for School Teachers)
  • Edward Glowienka (Carroll College)
    Re-Enchanting Nature: Humanities Perspectives
    A three-week seminar for 16 teachers on the relationship of humans to the natural world. $159,184 (Seminars for School Teachers)
  •  Angela Hunter (University of Arkansas, Little Rock) and Rebecca Wilkin (Pacific Lutheran University)
    An Edition and Translation of Selections from Louise Dupin’s Philosophical Treatise, “The Work on Women”
    Preparation for publication of a print edition of Louise Dupin’s Work on Women (1745 – 1751). $133,333 (Scholarly Editions and Translations)
  • David Kinney (Santa Fe Institute) and Simon DeDeo (Carnegie Mellon University)
    Foundations and Applications of Cultural Analytics in the Humanities
    An online course on computational and quantitative methods for cultural analysis of large-scale digital sources to be followed by more advanced in-person workshops for early career scholars. $247,932 (Institutes for Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities)
  • Timothy Knepper (Drake University) and Nathan Loewen (University of Alabama)
    Global Philosophy of Religion
    Planning and holding a two-day conference and the preparation for publication of an essay collection on the topic of a Global Philosophy of Religion. $50,000 (Collaborative Research)
  • Tamara Metz (Reed College) and Elizabeth Brake (Rice University)*
    Philosophical Perspectives on Giving, Receiving, and Conceiving Care
    A three-week institute for 22 college and university faculty and three advanced graduate students, on giving and receiving care, and their philosophical implications. $168,877 (Institutes for College and University Teachers)
  • Jason Robert (Arizona State University)
    Our SHARED Future: Science, Humanities, Arts, Research Ethics, and Deliberation
    A four-week institute for 25 college and university faculty, to introduce humanists to the scientific, ethical, and social dimensions of bioengineering. $192,145 (Institutes for College and University Teachers)
  • Paul Weithman (University of Notre Dame)
    John Rawls’s A Theory of Justice at Fifty: An Anniversary Conference
    Planning and holding a conference on the 50th anniversary of the publication of A Theory of Justice by American philosopher John Rawls (1921–2002). $26,725 (Collaborative Research)
  • Gordon Wilson (University of North Carolina, Asheville)
    A Critical Edition of Henry of Ghent’s Quaestiones ordinariae (Summa), art. 63–67
    Preparation for print and online publication of thirteenth-century philosopher Henry of Ghent’s Questiones ordinariae (Summa), articles 63–67. $100,000 (Scholarly Editions and Translations)
  • Rega Wood (Indiana University, Bloomington)
    Richard Rufus Project
    Preparation for print and online publication of a commentary on Aristotle’s metaphysics, redaction of Averroes’s Metaphysics, and the Oxford lectures of Richard Rufus of Cornwall, an early Scholastic philosopher-theologian (ca. 1200–1260). $300,000 (Scholarly Editions and Translations)

In total, the NEH provided funds totalling $30 million to 238 projects this round. Of that, 4.2% of the grants, adding up to 4.92% of the funding, went to philosophy professors.*

Other philosophy-related projects include: Humility: A Lost Virtue by Christopher Bellitto (Kean University), Bright Circle: Five Remarkable Women in the Age of Transcendentalism by Randall Fuller (University of Kansas, Lawrence), The Jane Addams Papers by Cathy Hajo (Ramapo College), and Ways of Knowing in Tibetan Philosophy: An Annotated English Translation of Gorampa Sonam Senge’s Synopsis of the Middle Way by Constance Kassor (Lawrence University).

You can view the whole list of grant winners here.

* The original version of this list omitted the Metz and Brake grant (Metz is in political science and the NEH did not list Brake, who is a co-PI). The percentages at the end of the list have been recalculated to include their grant.


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