
New links…

  1. “A year ago, ‘TT or bust’ was a common but ill-advised attitude toward the job market. That attitude should be unthinkable today.” — Samuel Kampa, a philosophy Ph.D., encourages others to look for work outside of academia and provides advice on how to do it
  2. The rectangles are indeed lined up and moving at the same speed — a new optical illusion (via Gregg Caruso)
  3. When humans are quiet and stay put — what happens to the rest of the world?
  4. A new site website is publishing English translations of Deleuze’s seminar lectures at the University of Paris between 1971 and 1987 — among other things, it is crowdsourcing recordings of the lectures (via Will Anderson)
  5. “We should resist the widespread view that political theory always has to be… addressing practical problems and giving us guidance about what to do” — a video interview with David Estlund (Brown)
  6. “What does his fall from such exalted heights tell us about the sorts of intellects that do—and do not—shine brightly for posterity?” — Ray Monk (Southampton) on G.E. Moore
  7. Why aren’t academic philosophers wise? — because they live narrow, stable lives. Or so argues Eric Schwitzgebel (UC Riverside)

Mini-Heap posts appear when 7 or so new items accumulate in the Heap of Links, the ever-growing collection of items from around the web that may be of interest to philosophers. Discussion welcome.

The Heap of Links consists partly of suggestions from readers; if you find something online that you think would be of interest to the philosophical community, please send it in for consideration for the Heap. Thanks!



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4 years ago

Hello, hope you are managing all right through the pandemic. Just wanted to let you know that the link you shared in your recent email —
“A new site website is publishing English translations of Deleuze’s seminar” — isn’t working.

4 years ago

I am frustrated with these blog articles about the job market like #1 focused on motivating non-academic career paths.

Yes we all know this. We know it sucks. The novel plague isn’t going to make it better. In fact, most parachute career paths are going up in smoke as well. My feeling is either give us grad students something concrete and constructive or ‘f’ off.

I also realize the irony of this comment.

4 years ago

I like some of Monk’s work, but thought that the article on Moore was fairly week. It’s true that Moore isn’t as central the philosophy now as he once was, but he over states how far Moore has fallen. His work on epistemology – ridiculed by Monk – is important in many recent works that are serious indeed, and his work on ethics has been the subject of special issues of _Ethics_, among other examples. It’s not even obvious to me that he’s less central or important today than Russell is.