Online Philosophy Resources Weekly Update

Here’s the weekly report on new entries in online philosophical resources and new reviews of philosophy books.

Below are recent updates to the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (SEP), Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (IEP), 1000-Word PhilosophyWireless Philosophy (Wi-Phi), as well as new book reviews at Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (NDPR). We are also now including links in these posts to reviews of philosophy books in the popular press. (If you come across one in your own reading please email me the link. Thanks!)



  1. Reproducibility of Scientific Results, by Fiona Fidler (Melbourne) and John Wilcox (Stanford).
  2. Bounded Rationality, by Gregory Wheeler (Frankfurt School of Finance and Management).


  1. Medieval Theories of Practical Reason, by Anthony Celano (Stonehill College).
  2. The Philosophy of Childhood, by Gareth Matthews (Massachusetts-Amherst), and Amy Mullin (Toronto).


  1. The Liar Paradox, by Bradley Dowden (California State-Sacramento).


1000-Word Philosophy

  1. Descartes’ “I Think, Therefore I Am”, by Charles Miceli.

Wireless Philosophy

Compiled by Michael Glawson.

Beyond the Ivory Tower. Workshop for academics on writing short pieces for wide audiences on big questions. Taking place October 18th to 19th. Application deadline July 30th. Funding provided.
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