New Prizes in Epistemology and Metaphysics from the APA

The American Philosophical Association (APA) has announced the creation of two new prizes: one in metaphysics, named for Nicholas Rescher (Pittsburgh), and one in epistemology, named for Ernest Sosa (Rutgers).

The Nicholas Rescher Prize for Systematic Metaphysics “will recognize substantial achievement in systematic metaphysics, broadly construed.” It will be awarded every other year. The winner will receive $1000 and will deliver the Nicholas Rescher Prize Lecture at an APA meeting.

The Ernest Sosa Prize “will recognize outstanding contributors to epistemology.” It, too, will be awarded every other year. It includes $1500 and the winner will deliver the Ernest Sosa Prize Lecture at an APA meeting.

APA Executive Director Amy Ferrer notes that the prize amounts may increase in the future if the growth of their endowments provides for it.

The growth of the Sosa Prize endowment may also allow for the creation of  fellowships which “will recognize significant contributors to epistemology who are not more than ten years beyond their terminal degree.”

The APA is currently accepting donations to fund the prize endowments. You can learn more here.

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5 years ago

The prize values are clearly a representation of the relative standing of the two disciplines 😉 [just making a joke, I know it has to do with other factors, just to pre-empt overly literal philosoblog readers]