
Welcome to another edition of Mini-Heap!

Mini-Heap posts appear when about 10 new items accumulate in the Heap of Links, the ever-growing collection of items around the web that may be of interest to philosophers.

The Heap of Links consists partly of suggestions from readers; if you find something online that you think would be of interest to the philosophical community, please send it in for consideration for the Heap.

  1. DC and Maryland have a philosophy-trained law professor to thank for a decision allowing their anti-corruption lawsuit against Trump to proceed — John Mikhail (Georgetown) was mentioned 17 times in the decision
  2. “Researchers who leave academia are not failed academics” — what to do to change perceptions and prepare graduate students for professional careers outside academia (via Branden Fitelson)
  3. “Whether an influence is manipulative depends on how it is being used” — Robert Noggle (Central Michigan) on the difference between persuasion and manipulation
  4. How to teach usually neglected women philosophers by showing them as “active participants in the philosophical dialogues of their era” — new teaching materials from Project Vox
  5. “The Good Place,” NBC’s philosophy-centered sitcom, has a podcast (via Philosophy Matters)
  6. “It is not the transition from premises to conclusion that is often at fault but the premises themselves.” — Gerald Dworkin on the need to adjust critical thinking courses in light of current information technology and its abuses
  7. Philosophy begins with doubt, some say, but what is doubt? — Andrew Moon (VCU) introduces his view of doubt using ants (see the fuller argument in the linked paper)
  8. “Though some think that Western philosophy has entered a golden age, others of us fear that it may have ended, that there is and will be no next member of the series after Cavell, after Lewis, after Derrida” — Abe Stone (UC Santa Cruz) on lessons learned from Stanley Cavell
  9. Over 20 interviews with philosophers on philosophy of action — at the Philosophy of Action website (via István Zárdai)
  10. Against trends, this university just last semester launched a philosophy major — it is based in UC Merced’s Cognitive and Information Sciences Department
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