Online Philosophy Resources Weekly Update

Here’s the weekly report of new entries in online philosophical resources and new reviews of philosophy books. 

We recently added a new section to the weekly update: “Reviews of Philosophy Books in the Popular Press”. This section contains links to recent reviews of books by academic philosophers that are published in non-academic venues, such as newspapers, magazines, literary websites, etc. Since there are many such possible venues, your assistance in noticing relevant reviews would be much appreciated: if you see something, please send in the link. Thanks!

The new section joins the rest of our weekly survey of online philosophy resources, which includes the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (SEP), Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (IEP), Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (NDPR), 1000-Word PhilosophyWireless Philosophy (Wi-Phi), and occasionally some other sites.


New: Ø


  1. Moral Dilemmas, by Terrance McConnell (North Carolina-Greensboro).
  2. Aristotle’s Ethics, by Richard Kraut (Northwestern).
  3. Robert Nozick’s Political Philosophy, by Eric Mack (Tulane).
  4. Schopenhauer’s Aesthetics, by Sandra Shapshay (Indiana).
  5. Zeno’s Paradoxes, by Nick Huggett (Illinois-Chicago).
  6. Tropes, by Anna-Sofia Maurin (Göteborgs).


1000-Word Philosophy Ø

Wireless Philosophy Ø


  1. Steven Levine (Massachusetts-Boston) reviews The Legacy of Kant in Sellars and Meillassoux: Analytic and Continental Kantianism (Routledge), by Favio Gironi (ed.).
  2. Samuel Guttenplan (Birkbeck College-London) reviews Mind, Language and Morality: Essays in Honour of Mark Platts (Routledge), by Gustavo Oritz-Millan, and Juan Antonio Crus Parcero (eds.).
  3. Christian Fermüller (Technische Universität-Wien) reviews Fuzzy Logic and Mathematics: A Historical Perspective (Oxford), by Radim Belohlavek, Joseph W. Dauben, and George J. Klir.
  4. John A. Tucker (East Carolina) reviews The Bloomsbury Research Handbook of Contemporary Japanese Philosophy (Bloomsbury), by Michiko Yusa (ed.).
  5. Frisbee C. C. Sheffield (Cambridge) reviews Plato on the Value of Philosophy: the Art of Argument in the Gorgias and Phaedrus (Cambridge), by Tushar Irani.
  6. Pär Sundström (Umeå) reviews Primitive Colors: A Case Study in Neo-pragmatist Metaphysics and Philosophy of Perception (Oxford), by Joshua Gert.

Recent Philosophy Book Reviews in Non-Academic Media

  1. Slavoj Zizek, Frank Ruda, and Agon Hamza’s Reading Marx, and Mike Davis’ Old Gods, New Enigmas: Marx’s Lost Theory, reviewed by Bruce Robbins at the Boston Review.

Compiled by @MichaelGlawson (University of South Carolina)

Beyond the Ivory Tower. Workshop for academics on writing short pieces for wide audiences on big questions. Taking place October 18th to 19th. Application deadline July 30th. Funding provided.
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Colin McGinn
Colin McGinn
6 years ago

I am pleased to see here a review of a festschrift for Mark Platts who I knew well forty years ago in London before he emigrated to Mexico. Clever man, witty too. Oddly, I now live not so far from him, in Miami, but I haven’t set eyes on him in four decades. Good to be reminded of him after the yawning interim.