Mind Chunks (Daily Nous Philosophy Comics)

Mind Chunks (Daily Nous Philosophy Comics)

Mind Chunks
by Pete Mandik

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Colin McGinn
Colin McGinn
6 years ago

If we had better memories we could simply remember when concepts first occurred to us (possibly in the womb), and hence decide which concepts are innate. We could, for example, remember whether we had the concept of red before we saw any red things–or shape or number. The whole innateness controversy depends on our poor memory for early experience. (I talk about his in my book Inborn Knowledge.)

Colin McGinn
Colin McGinn
6 years ago


Recent grad
Recent grad
Reply to  Daniel
6 years ago

Sounds like a well-known essay by Harry Frankfurt would apply here.

Colin McGinn
Colin McGinn
6 years ago

Another useful text might be Mindf***ing by CMG.