
Here’s the latest Mini-Heap—our occasional collection of 10 recent items of interest to philosophers (and others interested in philosophy) from the Daily Nous Heap of Links.

(The Heap of Links consists partly of suggestions from readers; if you find something online that you think would be of interest to the philosophical community, please send it in for consideration for the Heap.)

  1. “Dear Nigger Professor” — George Yancy (Emory) shares and discusses the verbal abuse hurled at him following his NYT op-ed on racism
  2. “Even if the corporation never hears your voice or your group’s, you will hear it. That voice needs to be one that you can respect.” — Brandon Hogan (Howard) on reasons for boycotts
  3. How Wittgenstein invented the emoji — “If I were a good draughtsman, I could convey an innumerable number of expressions by four strokes.”
  4. “Total Eclipse of Descartes” — a philosophical comedy performance / lecture from Rob Newman
  5. “There is no campus free speech crisis: a close look at the evidence” — we’re at the debunking the debunking of the debunkers stage
  6. Have a PopSocket on your phone? — the invention of a former philosophy professor, its sales have increased “tenfold each year and delivered 35 million units in 2017 alone”
  7. Search the websites of leading philosophy podcasts — a new feature from TrueSciPhi
  8. “He was wrong about the future of capitalism, he was wrong about what would happen when, after a revolution, workers took over government, he was wrong about the post-revolutionary decline of the coercive state…” — Peter Singer on Karl Marx
  9. Should we have fewer children in order to help the environment? — Philippe van Basshuysen (LSE) and Eric Brandstedt (Lund) have a pair of posts on the questions
  10. “If pleasures are so similar, why don’t people ever orgasm from pleasure associated with food or art? Actually some do.” — what do scientists know, and not know, about pleasure? (via Gerald Dworkin)
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