Philosophers Win Mellon “New Directions” Fellowships

Two philosophers are among this year’s recipients of “New Directions” Fellowships from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.

The New Directions Fellowships “assist faculty members in the humanities and humanistic social sciences who seek to acquire systematic training outside their own areas of special interest.  The program is intended to enable scholars in the humanities to work on problems that interest them most, at an appropriately advanced level of sophistication.”

The two philosophers awarded these fellowships are:

  • John Morrison, assistant professor of philosophy at Barnard College, who works on philosophy of perception and will be learning about neuroscience,
  • Kevin Zollman, associate professor of philosophy at Carnegie Mellon University, who works on game theory and mathematical modeling of social behavior and will be learning about behavioral economics and “complexity” economics.

Fellows receive funding equivalent to one academic year’s salary, two summers of additional support, and funding to pay for tuition or other costs associated with their new training.

You can learn more about these fellowships here.

Laszlo Moholy Nagy, “Leda and the Swan”

Beyond the Ivory Tower. Workshop for academics on writing short pieces for wide audiences on big questions. Taking place October 18th to 19th. Application deadline July 30th. Funding provided.
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