
Here’s another installment of Mini-Heap—10 recent items from the Heap of Links, the frequently updated list of material from around the web of possible interest to philosophers.

The Heap of Links consists partly of suggestions from readers; if you find something online that you think would be of interest to the philosophical community, please send it in for consideration for the Heap.

Discussion welcome.

  1. “The complexity, difficulty, and artistry of Plato’s dialogues” — an interview with Jill Frank (Cornell)
  2. Animated videos of Plantinga’s arguments — from Notre Dame’s Center for the Philosophy of Religion (via Dean Zimmerman)
  3. “A form of academic disparagement that counts as perfectly acceptable in our circles and yet simultaneously seems a perfectly apt description of itself.” — thoughts on a recent critique of critical studies from someone who was once “thoroughly convinced that continental philosophy was bullshit”
  4. Philosophical approaches to tragedy — and their connection to “philosophical temperament”
  5. The student wrote a lengthy email to her philosophy instructor, “trying to convince her Australia, the country, does indeed exist” — unfortunately this does not appear to be part of a clever lesson about epistemology or social ontology
  6. “I think you’re much better than her. I think you’re a real philosopher.” — Kate Manne (Cornell) interviewed on her ideas about, and experiences with, misogyny
  7. “Mr. Trump is purposely using the term in an offhand way so as to trivialize it, empty it of its gravity” — Eva Feder Kittay (Stony Brook) on “treason” in a letter to the New York Times
  8. The philosophers who consult on “The Good Place” — Pamela Hieronymi (UCLA) and Todd May (Clemson)
  9. The 4th volume of Foucault’s “The History of Sexuality” will finally be published — French publisher Gallimard will release “Confessions of the Flesh” this Friday
  10. Some pragmatism and early modern philosophy texts online — Peirce, James, Emerson, Hume, Berkeley, and more, courtesy of P.D. Magnus (Albany)
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