All-Night Philosophy Events At Over 120 Locations Worldwide Later This Month

Overnight “philosophy and ideas” events will be taking place all around the world later this month. 

From January 27th to 28th, the Brooklyn Public Philosophers, in conjunction with the Brooklyn Public Library and the Cultural Services of the French Embassy, will be putting on A Night of Philosophy and Ideas“a free 12-hour exchange of ideas” with a variety of philosophers and other thinkers.

 Ian Olasov, a PhD student in philosophy at CUNY and founder of Brooklyn Public Philosophers, discusses the motivation for the event in a brief piece in The New York Times.

Elsewhere around the world, from January 25th to 26th, over 120 “Night of Ideas” events will be taking place in more than 50 countries. You can look at location and timing details here.

a map of “Night of Ideas 2018” events

This is the third year the “Night of Ideas” events are taking place. The theme this year is “Power to the Imagination,” in part an allusion to the May 1968 demonstrations, protests, and strikes in France 50 years ago, but also a reference to “the way in which science, philosophy, literature or creation can unravel and face the challenges of the future.” There’s some more information here.

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Ian Olasov
6 years ago

Thanks for the plug! Just to clarify, I am/Brooklyn Public Philosophers is one of the organizers of the event at the Brooklyn Public Library, but the *vast* majority of credit goes to the Cultural Services of the French Embassy and the Library staff.