
Looking for interesting stuff around the web, philosophers? Here’s the latest Mini-Heap—10 recent items from the Heap of Links, the frequently updated list of links to material elsewhere you might want to check out.

The Heap of Links consists partly of suggestions from readers; if you find something online that you think would be of interest to the philosophical community, please send it in for consideration for the Heap.

Discussion welcome.

  1. “U.K.’s immigration officers have denied a Pakistani humanist’s application for asylum after he failed to adequately answer questions about Plato and Aristotle” — because his knowledge of humanism was “rudimentary at best,” the gov’t dismissed his fears of religious persecution in Pakistan
  2. A collaborative book by Heidegger and Spanish sculptor Eduardo Chillida forms the basis of an exhibit at the Guggenheim Bilbao — it includes lithographic stones on which the philosopher handwrote the text of his essay
  3. “Artificial intelligence can now bullshit its way through conversations just as well as humans can” — the technique is called “lexical acquisition through implicit confirmation”
  4. Corrupt The Youth — Briana Toole (Texas) discusses the philosophy outreach program she created
  5. “People in the assessment world have known for some time that their work was not producing results. It is also apparent that most of them assumed that the reason it did not work was not their fault. It was your fault.” — It’s not.
  6. How philosophy makes progress — look at the questions we ask, says Daniel Stoljar (ANU)
  7. A new exhibition space dedicated to Portuguese philosopher Damião de Gois — a modern structure inside an old church
  8. “I’m sure that I, too, will be blamed for calling Mr. Trump a racist.” — George Yancy (Emory) on American’s choice: “King’s Dream or Trump’s Nightmare?”
  9. How should philosophy be taught in Jordan? — “Currently, there is an ongoing heated debate in Jordan at the official educational level over teaching philosophy after it had been suspended decades ago due to political and ideological considerations”
  10. Another philosopher is running for Congress — Richard Winfield (Univ. of Georgia) is seeking the Democratic nomination for Georgia’s 10th District (more on Winfield’s bid for office here)
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