
Here’s the latest edition of Mini-Heap—10 recent items from the frequently updated Heap of Links. Feel free to discuss. 

The Heap of Links consists partly of suggestions from readers; if you find something online that you think would be of interest to the philosophical community, please send it in for consideration for the Heap.

  1. A couple of philosophers are attempting to convince Alabamians to vote for Roy Moore — and even National Review thinks they’re doing a lousy job of it
  2. In memory of Derek Parfit — a conference later this month at Rutgers
  3. Inequality and democracy — Tommie Shelby (Harvard) talks with Robert Talisse (Vanderbilt)
  4. “Looking down, she unbuckled his belt. ‘We’re grown-ups.’ Perhaps he wasn’t quite in the moment, because he thought of Kierkegaard and Socrates…” — philosophy takes a turn in this year’s Bad Sex In Fiction shortlist
  5. “A collection of philosophers who write and podcast about issues in politics… rooted in the idea that philosophers owe more to society” — check out The Vim
  6. Sexual misconduct by political theorist Gopal Balakrishnan (Santa Cruz) — alleged in several accounts
  7. The TH!NK philosophy program for elementary students, created by Marcello Fiocco (Irvine) — profiled at CHE (previously)
  8. “The defense of freedom and of the liberal society can’t be an exclusively legal concern” — Jacob Levy (McGill) on why “only politics can save us”
  9. In praise of Philippa Foot — by Nakul Krishna (Cambridge)
  10. “The unhappiness expressed by so many university academics might really result from an uneasy conscience about their own curiosity” — at the Partially Examined Life
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