
Here’s the latest Mini-Heap: 10 recent items from the frequently updated Heap of Links, collected and numbered for your convenience. 

As usual, if you have suggestions for the Heap, please send ’em in.

  1. Resources for teaching argument mapping — from Simon Cullen
  2. Libertarianism vs. meritocracy — libertarianism doesn’t take merit seriously, argues Thomas Mulligan (Georgetown)
  3. What questions does string theory answer? Which does it leave unanswered? — a talk by James Ladyman (Bristol)
  4. The Australasian Philosophy Family Tree — additions sought
  5. Is there a point to moral philosophy? — And will moral philosophers accept the answer? “Like people in love who are told the loved one isn’t worth their love, they won’t believe it”
  6. The way modern academia measures research achievement means that some of the worst articles are the most successful — “how academia has been hacked”
  7. “The Good Place,” the network sitcom featuring a philosophy professor, is back for a second season— but don’t read this if you haven’t watched the first season yet
  8. Hayek’s recollections of his meetings with his second cousin, Wittgenstein — “Whether he… had discovered that, after all, I was just another Philistine, I do not know” (via Brandon Christensen)
  9. Retracting philosophy articles: are there more than just procedural grounds for it? — Eric Schliesser comments
  10. What makes a student a “star”? — not “instagenius,” but rather “the ability to keep showing up when things do not go well” (via Samantha Brennan)
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