Online Philosophy Resources Weekly Update

Good morning. Here’s the weekly roundup of what’s new at the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy(SEP), Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (IEP), Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews (NDPR), and Wi-Phi.

If there are links of philosophical interest you’ve come across recently, you are welcome to share them in the comments to this post (though check out the Heap of Links first to see if it’s not already in there).

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  1. Fuzzy Logic, by Petr Cintula (Czech Academy of Sciences), Christian G. Fermüller (Institut de Teoria de la Informació i Automatització), and Carles Noguera (Technische Universitat Wien).
  2. Business Ethics, by Jeffrey Moriarty (Bentley).


  1. William of Auvergne, by Neil Lewis (Georgetown).
  2. Emotions in the Christian Tradition, by Robert Roberts (Baylor).
  3. Economics and Economic Justice, by Marc Fleurbaey (Princeton).
  4. Ludwig Andreas Feuerbach, by Todd Gooch (Eastern Kentucky).
  5. Causal Decision Theory, by Paul Weirich (Missouri).
  6. Friedrich Albert Lange, by Nadeem J. Z. Hussain (Stanford) and Lydia Patton (Virginia Tech).


  1. Lars Hertzberg (Åbo Akademi University) reviews Wittgenstein: Opening Investigations (Wiley-Blackwell), by Michael Luntley.
  2. Riccardo Pozzo, (National Research Council of Italy) reviews Immanuel Kant: The Very Idea of a Critique of Pure Reason (Northwestern), by J. Colin McQuillan.
  3. Sharyn Clough (Oregon State) reviews Explanatory Pluralism (Cambridge), by C. Mantzavinos.
  4. Stuart Elden (Warwick) reviews Play as Symbol of the World and Other Writings (Indiana), by Eugen Fink.
  5. George A. Reisch reviews The Philosophy Scare: The Politics of Reason in the Early Cold War (Chicago), by John McCumber.
  6. Per-Erik Milam (Gothenburg) reviews A Social Theory of Freedom (Routledge), by Marian Thalos.
  7. Stephen M. Campbell (Bentley), and Joseph A. Stramondo (San Diego State) review The Minority Body: A Theory of Disability (Oxford), by Elizabeth Barnes.


A few extras from Michael:

  1. A talk by Elliott Sober (UW Madison) on Ockham’s Razor and theoretical simplicity.
  2. Rebecca Newberger-Goldstein’s five best philosophical novels.
  3. A compilation of philosophers’ answers to the question “What is philosophy? (taken partially from Philosophy Bites).

Compiled by Michael Glawson, University of South Carolina

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