Glasgow Hires Six New Philosophers

The Department of Philosophy at the University of Glasgow made six new permanent appointments this summer. That’s an unusually large number of hires at one time for one department. 

Those hired are:

  • Glen Pettigrove (University of Auckland) — ethics, emotions — appointed to the Chair of Moral Philosophy
  • Derek Brown (Brandon University) — mind, perception, epistemology, language —  appointed to work at the Centre for the Study of Perceptual Experience
  • Jennifer Corns (Lancaster University) — mind, cognitive science, perception — appointed to work at the Centre for the Study of Perceptual Experience
  • Adam Carter (University of Edinburgh) — epistemology
  • Stephan Krämer (Universität Hamburg) — language, logic, metaphysics, epistemology
  • Christoph Kelp (KU Leuven) — epistemology

(via Fiona Macpherson)


Beyond the Ivory Tower. Workshop for academics on writing short pieces for wide audiences on big questions. Taking place October 18th to 19th. Application deadline July 30th. Funding provided.
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7 years ago

One of six hires are women, yes, that reflects the representation of women in philosophy I am afraid.

7 years ago

Yet again, not a single person in aesthetics.

7 years ago

In reply to Anne: given roughly a third of new PhDs are women that means on average 2 out of 6 hires will be female. Which means if departments engage in non-biased hiring then it will commonly be the case that some will hire 1 woman out of 6 and others 3 women out of 6. You cannot infer anything from such a small sample, and it is wrong to cast aspersions. Properly collected stats – which were widely publicised a few months ago – showed women more than holding their own in hiring.

Stefan Heßbrüggen-Walter
7 years ago

In this context, it may be interesting to some to know that my department, the School of Philosophy at the “National Research University Higher School of Economics” (Moscow, Russian Federation) has hired four new colleagues: Ulrika Carlsson (Ph. D. Yale), Silver Bronzo (Ph. D. Chicago), Tudor Protopopescu (Ph. D. CUNY New York), Aarond J. Wendland (Ph. D. Oxford). They join Nadia Moro, Andrew Haas, and me in what is now the philosophy department with the highest number of non-Russian philosophers in the country.

Stefan Heßbrüggen-Walter
7 years ago

I hasten to add my esteemed colleague Oded Schechter to the list of colleagues already working at my department. And it’s of course Aaron, not Aarond (maybe the editor can fix these errors and delete this comment?).