Sosa and Stich Win Lebowitz Prizes for Philosophical Achievement

Ernest Sosa and Stephen Stich, both professors of philosophy at Rutgers University, have been awarded the 2016 Dr. Martin R. Lebowitz and Eve Lewellis Lebowitz Prizes for Philosophical Achievement and Contribution.

The prizes—$26,500 to each winner—are awarded by the Phi Beta Kappa Society and the American Philosophical Association (APA). They go to two philosophers who hold “contrasting (not necessarily opposing ) views” on a topic of current philosophical interest, and who will present their views at the Lebowitz Symposium at the APA’s Pacific Division meeting next April. The topic this time around is the role of intuitions in philosophical methodology.

You can read more about the award in a press release from the APA.

(via Mike Morris)

Ernest Sosa and Stephen Stich (photos by Steve Pyke)

Ernest Sosa and Stephen Stich (photos by Steve Pyke)


Beyond the Ivory Tower. Workshop for academics on writing short pieces for wide audiences on big questions. Taking place October 18th to 19th. Application deadline July 30th. Funding provided.
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Robert Segal
Robert Segal
8 years ago


David Sobel
David Sobel
8 years ago

The prizes are surely very well deserved. And surely the donors reasonably get strong influence over the criteria that determine who gets the prize. But still my first reaction is that prizes such as this would do more good if they were directed towards promising but struggling philosophers rather than those already on the top of the heap.

8 years ago

So, we’re giving more money to those who already have plenty, while so many promising philosophers struggle to find work. I can’t really condone this behavior.

Reply to  postdoc
8 years ago

Who is this ‘we’ of whom you speak?

8 years ago

Promising philosophers who struggle in various ways are eligible for these prizes.