Summer Workshops Supporting Diversity in Philosophy

Athena in Action, a networking and mentoring workshop for graduate student women in philosophy, has posted a call for applicants to its 2016 workshop.  Helpfully, the workshop website has a page that lists other summer diversity initiatives for philosophy:

For graduate women interested in mathematical philosophy:

Summer School in Mathematical Philosophy for Female Students
Deadline: March 1, 2016

For undergraduates in philosophy:

Philosophy in an Inclusive Key Summer Institute
Deadline: Applications open Jan 2016

UCSD Summer Program for Women in Philosophy
Deadline: March 1, 2016

The Summer Institute for Diversity in Philosophy
Deadline: May 9, 2016

If you know of similar workshops, meetings, conferences, etc., please mention them in the comments.

(Thanks to Elizabeth Harman and Elisabeth Camp for the information.)

UPDATE: Others programs:

Summer Program for Diversity in Logic for Undergraduates (via Maureen Eckert, UMass Dartmouth):
The Summer Program for Diversity in Logic for Undergraduates will offer 12 students the opportunity to explore an exciting research theme in Logic (Paradoxes) in a one-week intensive program from May 22 through the 28th.  Guest speakers will present their current research in a workshop environment. Students will receive tutoring in formal techniques, mentoring, support for professionalization, and experience validation, understanding and advice regarding diversity issues they have encountered. Travel expenses, room and board will be covered and a modest stipend will be offered for accepted students. The website and applications will be up in approximately one week. Applications will be due mid-April. Please, contact Program Director Maureen Eckert if you have further questions: meckert at umassd dot edu. The Summer Program for Diversity: Logic is funded by a grant from the American Philosophical Association and the support of the CAS of UMASS Dartmouth.

Summer Immersion Program in Philosophy (SIPP) at Brown, for undergraduates considering graduate study in philosophy (via David Estlund, Brown).

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David Estlund
8 years ago

For undergraduates considering grad school in philosophy:
Summer Immersion Program in Philosophy (SIPP) at Brown.

Overly Petty Grad?
Overly Petty Grad?
8 years ago

You know, as an undergraduate I really looked forward to participating in some kind of minority philosophy summer workshop, but I was never able to get enough time off from my summer jobs to apply to them. Now that I’m a graduate student, I finally have the time off but there aren’t any summer graduate programs for minorities (only for women)! I’m probably more upset about this than I should be (I did get into a graduate school, after all!), but I’m sad that I “missed” something I probably need more now than I did then. Are there really no graduate summer programs for minority students, or have I just googled incorrectly?

Reply to  Overly Petty Grad?
8 years ago

Some of the diversity programs engage graduate mentors to participate in the institutes for undergraduate students. Perhaps you should be in contact?

Maureen Eckert
Maureen Eckert
Reply to  Overly Petty Grad?
8 years ago

We still need two Graduate Assistants, so please feel free to contact me. — Maureen

Barry Lam
Barry Lam
8 years ago

The link to Philosophy in an Inclusive Key Summer Institute does not link to any information about the summer institute.

Reply to  Barry Lam
8 years ago

(They recently switched over to a different site)