Philosophy Jobs Wiki Is Up

The Phylo Job Wiki is up and running. From the site:

A job wiki is a space for philosophy job seekers to post unofficial information about the status of various job openings in philosophy. Job seekers traditionally share information about when hiring departments schedule interviews, make offers, and so forth. Although job seekers provide this information as a service to one another, many of them prefer to remain anonymous. Thus, Phylo has not vetted all of the information on the community job wiki for accuracy. In particular, Phylo cannot vouch for the accuracy of information on the community job wiki about the status of any job search.

You can visit the site here.

(via David Killoren)

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market ptsd
market ptsd
8 years ago

Is this a good thing or the worst thing?

jaded postdoc
jaded postdoc
8 years ago

This is going to be depressing. Better stock up on vodka…